
 Find Speaking Gigs Accelerator

The Female Speakers guide to Impact, Influence and Income via stages

19th January – 30th March 2021

 The world is waiting to know your name…

You’ve developed and proven your expertise.  It’s time to have the global spotlight shine on it.  Furthermore  the bigger, global impact and the revenue that comes with it, is calling you.  After all;

➡️   You’re an expert in your field

➡️   You’ve built a 6-figure + business

➡️   You’ve spoken on several stages 

➡️  The stage is your avenue to greater global impact and influence and 2021 is your year

It’s time to build your

scalable, system which consistently produces quality speaking engagements & income 

Hi my name is Lovelda Vincenzi

I’m an International MC Moderator and host, Co-founder of the Female Speakers Conference and Awards and a Speaker Mentor.  I personally built my speaking business from the ground up in 18 months pretty much by myself.

In that time I went from unknown to introducing and interviewing Monica Lewinsky, Introducing celebrities such as Kunal Nayaar (big bang theory), Nik Kershaw and Andy King (from the Netflix Documentary Fyre Festival) to stages.  I’ve received over 100 testimonials including a video testimonial from the former CEO of Unilever.

The big question is how did I do it?  How did I go from unknown a solid speaking business, working with incredible names in just 18-months?

Lovelda Vincenzi on Stage

Firstly, 8 years working in sales and several years hosting conferences did help.  It taught me negotiating, it also taught me how event organisers think (being one myself).

I used my knowledge to create a compelling speaker profile.  One that spoke directly to event organisers, in their language about the things that matter to them! 

I prioritised getting and using the marketing assets that would make it easier to close the deal.

I started to systematically & strategically ask for speaking engagements.

This meant taking what I’d learnt working in sales and getting proactive to find great quality leads and negotiate great deals.

I then thought not only of delivering great results for my clients, but how best I could use the engagement to make it easier to find new engagements.

Essentially I developed a scalable system for finding and securing high quality paid speaking engagements consistently and efficiently  


a system for generating high quality leads is the life blood of any income generating business, speaking is no different

Those who are winning the stages know;

✅   Where to look

✅   How to approach organisers

✅   How to negotiate a deal.

AND they do it consistently, efficiently and effectively

This is precisely what is taught in the

Find Speaking Gigs Accelerator

It’s my no BS, systematic, effective answer to CLAIMING THE INTERNATIONAL SPOTLIGHT, securing paid speaking gigs

Over the course of 3 months I’ll be working with an intimate group of no more than 10 women to take you through a carefully designed proven methodology to get found, booked and paid for perfect for you speaking engagements.

You’re a busy woman, so this system is designed with outsourcing in mind.

Running from 11th January – 30th March 2021 here’s how it works:

Lovelda Vincenzi at Laptop

Module 1: Define Your Speaking Niche (3 weeks)

Know who pays for your expertise to get paid.

Firstly we define your ideal stages and speaking monetisation strategy for such that we you don’t waste your time & energy on gigs that can’t pay and won’t pay.

There are many business models for building a speaking revenue stream.  To select the model for you we need to match your expertise with the correct event profile, such that speaking can grow your impact, income and influence.

This fundamental step, is what makes the difference between unpaid, non-impactful stages and career defining stages.

Lovelda Vincenzi on Stage

Module 2: Find Perfect for You Speaking Gigs 

Leads are crucial in any business.  Systemise and automate finding and connecting with organisers so that your lead generation is scaleable and outsourcable (yes I made that word up).

Your time is precious, build for scale.

During a 2 day workshop (delivered online) you’ll follow a tried and tested methodology for finding speaking engagements which meet your personal event profile. 

We won’t stop there.  You’ll then set up your sales system and automations to make outsourcing and tracking simple and efficient.

Step 3: Secure the Impactful, Influential, Income generating gig

8-weeks of sales implementation support to refine your negotiating, master your system and iron out the creases with your outsourcing such that you can secure paid gigs consistently and efficiently.

Let’s be honest, the whole point of doing this is to grow your impact, influence and income… sustainably and in a way that scales.

Your team needs to be set up to run like clock work.  It’s impossible to teach that which you don’t know.  That’s why you’ve got me.  This is a methodology I originally refined and perfected on myself.

As an event organiser myself I understand what organisers are looking for.  With 8+ years of sales experience I know how to negoitiate a deal that gets you the biggest result.

By the end of the programme you’ll:

• Know EXACTLY what event profile to target such that you get paid for your expertise
• Have established a system your team can use to secure speakings on your behalf
• Have a pipeline of great quality speaking engagements
•  Be negotiating speaking engagements globally on bigger stages, for greater impact whilst being paid.

Now that events are coming back it’s time to secure those gigs!

45%+ off (£6,500 £3,500)

AND that’s not all…..

Black Friday Sale – Early Bird Bonuses!!








In addition to 45% price discount, for a limited time the following additional bonuses have been added – because “decision is the spark the ignites action” & action leads to results.

1 – Speaker Profile Audit (£500)

  • Personalised review of your digital assets 
  • Personalised strategy to improve your digital assets to optimise for speaking bookings
  • Specific actionable steps to take immediately to enhance bookability
  • Suggested tools and resources to improve your online presence

2 – Sample Speaker Contract (£150)

Time is precious, so to enable you to confirm bookings faster and with greater ease I’ll be sharing my speaker contract for you to use.

3 – Lead Generation Accelerator (estimated value £3,000)

Rest assured with this accelerator you’ll have no problem finding events.  It puts  over 60,000 event leads at your finger tips.    

  • 3 x curated event lists (200 + events)
  • 2 x Event search tools containing 60,000 + events

I have very conservatively assumed you would value each lead at at least 5p


1 – Speaker Profile Audit (£500)


  • Personalised review of your digital assets 
  • Personalised strategy to improve your digital assets to optimise for speaking bookings
  • Specific actionable steps to take immediately to enhance bookability
  • Suggested tools and resources to improve your online presence

2 – Sample Speaker Contract (£150)

4 – Lead Generation Accelerator (estimated value £3,000)

Time is precious, so to enable you to confirm bookings faster and with greater ease I’ll be sharing my speaker contract for you to use.


    Rest assured with this accelerator you’ll have no problem finding events.  It puts  over 60,000 event leads at your finger tips.    

    • 3 x curated event lists (200 + events)
    • 2 x Event search tools containing 60,000 + events

    I have very conservatively assumed you would value each lead at at least 5p


    I’m Ready for bigger stages, impact and income

    CLICK HERE to send an email to ask any questions you’ve got

    Babes… this really isn’t for everyone….

    This opportunity IS perfect for you if:

    • It’s time to put your action and money where your mouth is! Seriously how long have you been “dreaming” about scaling up?
    • Sales isn’t a natural default for you, it kinda terrifies you and you know that without focused support you’ll never fully get started
    • 90% of your speaking gigs come from referrals and you’re ready to drive your business forward with new leads
    • You literally have zero (or close enough to zero) sales structure in place for building a steady stream of speaking gigs
    • You want to speak to grow your impact and bank account
    • You are an established business owner
    • You’ve got a talk and are comfortable delivering on stage
    • The woman who’s done with excuses and ready to take action to fill their 2021 calendar
    • The woman who knows that with the right guidance, regular 4-figure (and 5-figure) speaking gigs are theirs to have in 2021.
    • The woman who is ready to overcome their resistance and fears around selling themselves to make the speaking business they desire a reality!

    This Opportunity really is NOT for you if:

    • You haven’t spoken on stages before and doing so scares you.  It’s assumed that you have great quality, tried and tested content to deliver.
    • You desperately need stages to make money.  To be absolutely clear, “decision hangovers” are a direct result of buying something to be “saved”.  I have no desire to be the Messiah.
    • You need a guaranteed financial ROI in the 3-months What I teach works… and the extent to which it will work for you is dependent on a number of variables I have no control over.  Such as (but not limited to), what you currently charge, how many committed you are to the processes and your current speaker profile.  It goes without saying that if you are starting from zero with no profile, no contacts and have never been paid before landing a £10K speaking gig in 3 months is “ambitious”.  At the same time consistently applying what’s taught over time will eventually allow you to command 10K gigs with ease. It’s all contextual… ROI will look different depending on your starting point.

    This Opportunity really is NOT for you if:

    • You haven’t spoken on stages before and doing so scares you.  It’s assumed that you have great quality, tried and tested content to deliver.
    • You desperately need stages to make money.  To be absolutely clear, “decision hangovers” are a direct result of buying something to be “saved”.  I have no desire to be the Messiah.
    • You need a guaranteed financial ROI in the 3-months What I teach works… and the extent to which it will work for you is dependent on a number of variables I have no control over.  Such as (but not limited to), what you currently charge, how many committed you are to the processes and your current speaker profile.  It goes without saying that if you are starting from zero with no profile, no contacts and have never been paid before landing a £10K speaking gig in 3 months is “ambitious”.  At the same time consistently applying what’s taught over time will eventually allow you to command 10K gigs with ease. It’s all contextual… ROI will look different depending on your starting point.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Can this programme still benefit me right now in light of COVID19?

    Yes – absolutely.

    As lockdown begin to ease around the world, many event organisers are now beginning to think of future events!

    Most organisers book their speakers 6 – 9 months in advance. 

    Any system you set up to secure these engagements will take time to imbed. 

    This means that if you want to be securing engagements for 2021, you need to start doing the work now.

    Of course you’ll be getting booked long before the start of 2021, especially when for virtual events.

    Can I use the programme to find virtual/online events?

    The short answer is – YES you absolutely can!

    This programme was run in the height of COVID-19 and participants were using the system taught on the accelerator to secure paid, online speaking gigs.

    The system works for online and in person events.  To be completely honest, once learnt it can be applied to many other areas of your business.


    I'm busy CAN I OUTSOURCE this and send assistant on this programme

    Yes and no!

    Ultimately we are looking to find high quality perfect for you speaking engagements.  This means that the work to define what qualifies as a perfect for your speaking gig needs to be done.  THIS cannot be outsourced.

    That said, there are parts of the process that aren’t sexy and fun.  I do teach you how to leverage your time to assign appropriate tasks to your assistant with appropriate monitoring tools.

    The sales (or lack thereof) in your business are ultimately your responsibility.  Therefore whilst I teach how to effectively outsource to your team, the course is not designed for your team to attend.

    What results can I expect?

    This programme works to deliver 4 & 5 figure speaking engagements, domestically and internationally.

    This programme works to secure the career changing stages that catapult your influence and impact in business.

    This programme enables you to rapidly scale you speaking revenue.

    The exact results that you achieve during the programme will very much depend on one key ingredient… YOU.

    Show up 100%.  Participate full out.  Play BIG and the results are inevitable. 

    Wouldn't it just be easier to find representation (i.e. an Agent)?

    Well, that depends on your objective and your budget. 

    There are 2 primary types of representation in this industry (speaker directories are not representation).

    Speaker Agents: These folks work for you.  You are their client and they typically take a cut (typically 30% – 50%) of everything.  Some may also take a retainer.  That said their job is to pitch you and get you in front of the right people and on the right stages.

    Speaker Bureau:  These folks work for the organiser.  Clients come to them looking for speakers to fulfil a need and they source speakers for the gig.  They will typically take a percentage of the speaker fee (usually around 10% – 20%) as payment.  Here’s the key thing though, you aren’t their client and they only get paid if you get booked.  It’s not their job to market you.  80% of their engagements go to 20% of those on their books.  They are only interested in speakers who are already consistently commanding a fee.

    So, you can pay someone significantly to work with you and book you.  OR you can get paid gigs and then the bureau’s will approach you to represent them.

    I'm overwhelmed and not sure the timing is right?

    This incubator is specifically and deliberately designed for busy people. It’s crafted into bite size modules such that it is easily outsource-able to your assistant.  

    It’s difficult to outsource finding speaking engagements without a clear process (I’m speaking from bitter expensive experience).

    It is therefore essential that you attend the sessions to define your profitable niche, I would then recommend that both you AND your assistant (at a small additional cost) attend the in-person day.  After which you can hand over to your assistant and allow them to do the work to find and outreach to organisers which are perfect for you.

    Do I need to have a talk that's ready to go?

    Not at all – BUT you must have the ability and confidence to create one. 


    This incubator does not cover talk structure and content.

    My talk isn't perfect yet - is this programme right for me?

    Surely, the best way to perfect your talk is by delivering it to a live audience?  

    It’s like a comedian thinking a joke will work, just because it sounded funny in their head.

    You need to get in front of audiences, which means you need to find and confirm gigs.  Which means yes – this will work for you and yes you need it!

    Granted, the type of gigs you want may vary from seasoned professionals but the process is exactly the same.

    What if I can't join the live calls?

    All of the weekly calls are recorded and circulated after the call.  

    I encourage participants who are unable to join live to share their updates and questions in advance of each call such that they can be attended to during the call.

    I already have a speaker coach why do I need this?

    I have one question for you first.

    Is your speaker coach helping you build your business by teaching you how to find and securing speaking gigs?

    If so, you are probably covered and this will be duplication.

    However, I suspect your speaker coach is focusing on the content of your talk.  I suspect they do not generate most of their revenue from paid speaking engagements on a stage they do not own.  I also suspect they may not have a broad perspective of the speaking industry.

    Let me be clear, this doesn’t make them a bad person.  However, it will limit their ability to teach multiple means of making money in the industry.

    If this is the case, then you need this programme.  Your talk is your product, it’s time to start selling it, that’s where I come in.


    I don't know if I am ready for paid gigs, I am speaking to grow my business right now?

    The incubator works regardless of where you are focused within the speaking industry. 

    My clients have used this incubator to secure paid corporate gigs, unpaid conferences, training speaking engagements, international keynotes, MCing engagements, podcasts, online training and much much more.

    This is why we define the profitable speaking niche you will be targeting first to tailor the search to your current needs.

    Do you have payment plan options?

    Absolutely, CLICK HERE or email letschat@lovelda.com to enquire about payment plan options.


    What is your refund policy?

    I’m going to be very frank here.. if you are asking this question the programme probably isn’t a good fit for you.

    Here’s why – if you are starting a programme wondering how you can get your money returned you either don’t have much belief in the programme or much belief in yourself to work the programme.

    To answer the question, all monies paid are final and once you sign-up (even on a payment plan) you are liable for the full cost of the programme.

    I have this policy, not to be mean.  But to ensure that those who go forward are 100% committed and responsible for their role in their success (or lack thereof).

    The program works!

    Do you have a money back guarantee?


    That’s the short answer.

    This programme works!  The results of course vary depending on the commitment and the starting point of the individual.

    I’m 100% committed to providing the strategy and structure that facilitates the best result.   BUT the work is done by you my darling.  

    What if my financial situation changes?

    Firstly DO NOT and I repeat DO NOT over stretch yourself financially for ANY programme!

    I’ve been there. 

    And I’m sad to say I have had clients who have been there too.  It devastates me to watch someone struggle to pay their basic bills because of a commitment they have made to me.

    I no longer accept anyone onto my programmes that is experiencing financial hardship!  full stop.

    If you are currently struggling to pay your basic bills I suggest we discuss you joining the next programme or other programmes which better suited to your affordability.

    That said the price for this programme is insane and it would be silly to miss it.  AND things are changing rapidly with the current landscape.

    Understand this… I’m human… if your financial status changes drastically, we’ll talk.  Each case is handled on a case by case basis.



    I'm new to speaking, is this programme for me?

    If you are new and ready to secure perfect for you stages this programme is totally for you.

    However, if you are looking for looking for advice on creating your talk, building your confidence or delivering your talk – this programme does not cover those things.

    Each person is different, apply and let’s discuss your specifics.

    How is this different to other programmes?

    It’s systematic, hands on and tried and tested methodology.  The methodology I share is not fiction, I’ve used it myself and implemented for clients who have gone on to secure tens of thousands in speaking revenue. 

    I’m understand the breadth of the speaking industry.  As well as MCing and moderating, I was a regular guest on live TV, I hosted my own radio show for 18 months and now host a podcast.

    My speaking engagements range from moderating to training to voiceover to auto-que training videos for corporate clients. 

    Furthermore I have organised several events booking speaker so I understand the world of the event organiser.  I therefore get that the speaking industry isn’t just keynotes and training.

    As a speaker I understand how to respond to questions to organisers, I understand the emotional impact of rejection, I understand not knowing where to start… cause I have been there.

    This isn’t a one size fits all strategy, these are principles which are tailored to you. 

    Tailored to your available time, tailored to the market your are targeting tailored to your goals.  In my quest for business success I’ve tried on more strategies that didn’t fit me. So I don’t impose a one size fits all strategy.

    My experience and broad depth of knowledge in this industry is one of a kind.  If you want to make the most of stages…. this programme is what you’ve been looking for

    A recent study has shown that globally stages currently average around 70% male and 30% female.  With so many event organisers now looking to bring greater diversity to stages it creates incredible opportunities for a talented female speaker like you!

    Let’s do this!

    What others say:

    Working with Lovelda in her Speaking Gig Accelerator has been even more valuable than I’d imagined!  I’m only half way through the program, yet the tools and strategies she’s shared and helped me implement so far have impacted me beyond just my speaking business overall.  She’s given me a proven, repeatable strategy I can use to find and book speaking gigs across the world and I’m excited to see what’s to come now.

    Rose Radford  – Coach, Consultant & Speaker

    Lovelda knows her stuff! She has a wealth of knowledge when it comes to the Speaking Business and Sales. And she is generous about sharing her knowledge. Secondly, Lovelda is efficient and practical. She values her time and yours, which means you can be sure she will give you all the tips and tricks for creating an efficient and effective system that gets you quick results.

    And last (but certainly not least), …this is not about replicating what she has but helping you create a Speaking Business that highlights your greatness and supports the life and business you want. 

    Yewande Faloyin – Leadership Coach, Consultant & Speaker

    Headshot of Marcia Martin

    Lovelda is a master at what she does, and a magician in her field.

    I hired Lovelda to do some brand positioning work for me and my company, to help me get a larger audience for my own programs and services.

    Within days I was getting more attention on all my social platforms. When I started working with Lovelda very few people knew how to reach me online, and my mailing list was minimal. As a result of the work she did, my list was doubled almost immediately, and people that haven’t even heard of me, found me, and wanted my services.

    Marcia Martin- Global Speaker, Executive Consultant and Coach

    It is a pure pleasure working with Lovelda Vincenzi.  She has broken down the process of finding tailored speaking gigs into its smallest chunks to such an extent that it becomes a child’s play.  Her experience and expertise provide a space where challenges became amazing opportunities. Above all, it is the personal engagement and joy that she brings to the table that makes learning and moving to new horizons with her magical.

    Dr. Betty Sam Mathews  – Consultant, Speaker, Physician & Author

    I have always wanted to develop my speaking career but I’ve always procrastinated and found excuses to focus on other things!  So I watched a lot of Lovelda’s fab free stuff on Facebook but it wasn’t until we had a 1:2:1 and we got to the heart of my passions, my expertise and kicked my excuses into the long grass, that I finally started to focus on building my speaking business.  

     I’m already getting speaking gigs, building my portfolio and am now creating a profile that shows off these skills!

    If you want to build your speaking business, you need to work with Lovelda!

    Heather Barrie – The Coffee Lady, MC & Speaker

    I just had a wonderful spontaneous coaching call with Lovelda to help me think through my strategy for increasing my speaker profile. What a fabulous mind, so clear, concise, calm and supportive. A great joy. I am now enormously motivated for the year ahead when I launch my new book and increase the speaking I do. 

    Lathi Dube – Inspirational Speaker and Identity Specialist

    I need this now!